SIEF originates from EU REACH’s Substance Information Exchange Forum, which aims to facilitate the exchange of information on available data between co-registrants of the same substance.
China MEE’s Order 12 (2020) requires that new chemical substances be registered before their manufacture or import. Article 12 encourages registrants to share new chemical substance registration data. Article 17 also says two or more registrants can apply for joint registration when registering the same chemical substance.
As the enforcement of MEE order 12 strengthens, many domestic and overseas companies are willing to comply with MEE order 12 but could not afford expensive test costs (up to millions of Yuan). Through China SIEF, a platform developed by CIRS, companies can significantly reduce registration costs in China by participating in joint submission and data sharing.
For example, assuming that the total costs of the registration of a high tonnage new substance is 3 million Yuan, the actual cost for each registrant will only be 1 million Yuan if there are 3 registrants participating in joint submission or data sharing.